Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Session Beer Series: Ordinary Bitter

I am currently on a big Session Beer swing. I really like the idea of trying to capture all the flavor and mouthfeel of a normal strength beer but with less calories and alcohol (also cheap to brew).
This beer was inspired by my favorite internet Radio Station, The Brewing Network's Jamil Zainasheff. I like to use his recipes as a starting point for the style (since he is the style editor for BYO) and taste my way to any changes. He is very generous in sharing his award winning recipes (found here) and even giving you tips on the brewing process.

I must also explain that I am currently doing 3 gallon batches (explanation in a future post). So if you want to scale the recipe then use ratios (or a brewing program. I use an online tool called Brewtility because it does everything I need, its online, and FREE.

Recipe: JZ Ordinary Bitter
O.G.-1.040   F.G.-1.010   IBU-26   
SRM-12   ABV-3.9%   Cal-130/12oz

Grain Bill (75% Efficiency):
3.75 lb Maris Otter (88.2%) (changed from JZ recipe)
5 oz Crystal 120L (7.4%)
3 oz Special Roast (4.4%)

.5 oz East Kent Goldings, 5%, pellet, 60 min
.25 oz East Kent Goldings, 5%, pellet, 15 min
.25 oz East Kent Goldings, 5%, pellet, 1 min

100 ml of White Labs WLP002
Third pitch, pitch amount calc'd @ Mr.Malty

Brew Day:
Brewed: 02/21/10
Kegged: 02/28/10

San Diego (Alvarado) Tap Water
1 campden tablet for 5.5 gal.

Mash Details:
H2O/Grain Ratio: 1.4 qt/lb
Mash Volume: 1.5 gal
Sacc Rest. Temp/Time: 154F @ 60min
Batch Sparge Volume: 4 gal
Sparge Temp/Time: 170F @ 30min

Boil Details:
Boil Volume: 4.33 gal
Pre Boil O.G.: 1.023
Boil Time: 90min
Post Boil Volume: 3 gal

Ferment Details:
O.G.: 1.040
Ferment Temp: 64-68F
Length: 7 days
F.G.: 1.010
App Attenuation: 75%
Actual Efficiency: 75%

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