As for the recipe, I wanted something fairly simple since I want the yeast flavor differences to be obvious and to taste the hops. The recipe is about as basic as possible. I did make one tweak in which I added some rye malt to help build some body that the Brett Only batches would need.
Mosaic Pale Ale
IBU: ~30 SRM: ~7 Batch Size: 10 gal (5 gal - Drie/Conan, 1 gal Custers)
O.G.: 1.051 FG: 1.017 (Conan),1.009 (Drie), 1.006 (Custersianus)
Name Amount Color
American 2-row 14.000 lb 2 L
Munich Malt 2.500 lb 10 L
Crystal 40L 1.000 lb 40 L
Rye Malt 1.000 lb 5 L
Name Alpha Amount Use Time IBU
Warrior 15.5% 1.25 oz Boil 30 min 24.8
Mosaic 12.5% 1.00 oz Boil 10 min 6.2
Mosaic 12.5% 1.00 oz WP 0 min 0
Conan - 1 oz Mosaic for 7 days at 70F, 1 oz Mosaic in keg
Drie - 1 oz Nelson for 7 days at 70F, 1 oz Mosaic in keg
Custersianus - .25 oz Citra at 70F
Mosaic 12.5% 1.00 oz WP 0 min 0
Drie - 1 oz Nelson for 7 days at 70F, 1 oz Mosaic in keg
Custersianus - .25 oz Citra at 70F
Drie - 100 ml slurry
Custersianus - 30 ml slurry
Drie - 100 ml slurry
Custersianus - 30 ml slurry
Brewing Process
Mash at 154 grain for 30 min
Boil 30 min (quick batch and no need for long boil)
Conan was fermented in glass carboys at 63 degrees for 10 days then raised to 68.
Drie was fermented in glass carboys at ~70 degreesCustersianus was fermented in glass jug at ~70 degrees
Tasting Notes at Kegging:
Conan - Fantastic - huge fruity esters from both hops and yeast, nice firm bitterness and tastes pretty dry with the high F.G. (1.017)
Drie - Aroma is great and full of fruit, taste is a bit strange with some slight tartness that doesn't work with the bitterness, then a phenol astringency in the finish - Not good and I'm pretty sure my pitch of Brett Drie is now going to be retired.
Custersianus - Very fruit forward with that ripe funky nice to let you know its wild. Nicely dry and a bit thin, no astringency or tartness
Official Tasting Notes coming soon (hint: Conan version is almost gone- yum)