I moved away to college, were I attended Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Over 5 great years, I met my wife, Ashley, and receieved my BS/MS in Materials Engineering. My friends and I would go on many weekend adventures to explore the Central Coast. While travelling for 7 weeks through Europe with my sister, I discovered the world of beer (among other things).
After Graduation, I moved back to San Diego and started working as an Engineer with a start-up company. My first Christmas back, my mom bought me a homebrew kit. I have been steadily brewing about once a month ever since. I have become truly addicted and have found myself particulary interested in the sour/wild beers. Being an engineer, I look at each batch as a way to experiment and learn. I currently still work in San Diego for a company in the Medical Device industry.

Jeffrey.E.Crane at gmail.com